{slide=What makes the "Good Conversation!" series different from other author interviews?}

Many other interviews feature brief clips of the author, often just talking to the camera. To hold viewers attention — and give an exceptional learning experience — we provide a more in-depth look at the author’s life, featuring a variety of camera angles and locations (both indoor and outdoor), and a personal approach to questions.  Each author program is 20 minutes long.{/slide}

{slide=What is the "All About the Book!" series of programs?}

These programs are designed to help students get a better understanding of the books they're reading in class, or on their own. Each program features a lively discussion, in which a panel of kids discuss a modern young adult classic, such as The Giver, Frindle or Shiloh. Each program also includes a variey of tools to enhance learning, including Ask the Librarian, "man on the street" interviews, plot summaries, vocabulary games and more.{/slide}

{slide=Do I have to sign up separately for the two series?}

No. When you join goodconversations.com, you get online access to both the "Good Conversation!" AND the "All About the Book" series, anytime. You can also take advantage of our teaching resources and have your students submit entries for the goodconverations.com writing contest.{/slide}

{slide=What does a subscription to goodconversations.com cost?}

 An Annual subscription rate is normally $275, but to help spread the word, we are offering subscriptions until September 1, 2011 for only $149. Not only is this a tremendous deal, but it also means you'll get up to 4 months extra for free if you purchase your subscription this summer!. We also offer district and consortium pricing. For a complete listing of prices please call goodconversations.com at 1-800-642-4181 or your local sales rep.{/slide}

{slide=You have so much interesting programming available, where do I start?}

A good place to begin is by watching programs on Christopher Paul Curtis, Andrew Clements, Karen Cushman and Avi. For “All About the Book!” start with: The Giver, Frindle, and Number the Stars. That will help give you a good feel as to what goodconversations.com is all about!{/slide}

{slide=Can I purchase individual DVD or video programs from the series?}

 Certainly. However, if you’re a current subscriber to goodconversations.com, you’re entitled to a special low price. To find out more, or to order a DVD or video program, click here.{/slide}

{slide=Can I get a free trial?}

 Absolutely. We’d love for you to sign up for a two-week free trial. It’ll give you the opportunity to see for yourself the kind of exciting programming we provide.{/slide}

{slide=Do you provide teaching materials that correlate with goodconversations.com?}

 Yes. Each "Good Conversation!" program comes with suggested questions and activities. For the "All About the Book!" programs we include a list of the questions and topics that are covered.{/slide}

{slide=How are educators are using goodconversations.com to help their students?}

 There are lots of ways!

  • Some teachers project the programs for a group learning experience.
  • Other teachers have students watch the programs on their own, before or after reading an author’s work.
  • To encourage independent learning, some teachers ask students to watch a program on an author they will not be studying in the regular curriculum, and read a book by that author for extra credit.
  • Teachers also preview the programs on their own to better acquaint themselves with the author and get ideas for planning lessons.


{slide=How long is each program?}

Each program is about 20 minutes — perfect for viewing in one classroom period.{/slide}

{slide= How do I sign up?}

To sign up for an annual subscription, call us at 1-800-642-4181. Or if you prefer, send your completed purchase order to: goodconversations.com, P.O. Box 9144, Scarborough, NY 10510. For pricing information, sign up for our Free 2-Week Trial and click on Subscription Pricing. Please don’t hesitate to call us with questions.{/slide}

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